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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Our Expectations

We set our expectations high on people we think we know. Several days ago I had to let go of someone dear to me. In the beginning things were great, as the relationship progressed signs were misinterpreted leading me to acts jealousy and over protection. We came into each other lives not looking for anything in particular. We both came out of dark periods that lead us to take different paths. I ended a working relationship with my best friend, plus I had to cope with the death of another friend that died a few days before completing my first Chicago Marathon. As for her, she came out of a relationship and a cancer scare that turned out to be a close call. As time progressed I told her how I felt about, to my misfortune the feelings weren't reciprocal. Had I continued being her friend things would have been much worse, and it's not worth holding on to something that like that.  When we let our emotions get the best of us we can easily become blinded by our the truth that our true loved ones see. After having went through this experience I advise you all to choose your friends and lovers alike wisely, because one way or another they can sub-consciously take advantage of you without realizing it. When this happens the best thing to do is walk away before it's too late.

On another note a few days ago I took a bike ride to work and came to the realization that I have a lot going for me. I have a job that may not be the best one yet, it's comforting to know that my money will be secure. Soon enough it will compile and I will be fortunate to receive more work in what I really love doing. Secondly is the fact that whatever problem that's bugging me I'll find the answers to as I'm running on the Lake Michigan trail. So until then, keep running.

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